Birth and Name numbers
The birth number is the most important number in our lives. It is the number which influences us in a very prominent way. Firstly it is unalterable, secondly it is directly related to the planets influence at the moment of birth and thirdly by some mysterious law of vibration the moment of birth decides the note of harmony or vibrations and so has its influence on the actions of our lives, right from the cradle to the grave. The birth number relates to the material side of life.
Name number is more occult or spiritual in nature. Name number is more difficult to be sure of – it must be the product of the name we are most known by. Name number should be set in accordance with the birth number. If the name number does not accord with the birth number, it can be made to agree by addition of an initial or an alteration in the name so that both give the same vibration. Number 4 and number 8 is an exception to this rule.
Numerology is the art of application of numbers in ones life. Numerology is the science of numbers. Science is based on deep observation. Rules of numerology is thus set not randomly or by any shadowy guesswork but after a lot of observation, research and studies by our ancient occult students. If E stands for efforts and L stands for Lady Luck then “E + L= D“ D is your destiny. In simple words your destiny is the result of your efforts and luck.By applying numerology in your life you can tune yourself into fortunate vibrations i.e. luck, opening all doors towards success.
Bottom line is if you want to live a smooth & a successful life your vibrations have to be tuned well . In simple words your NAME number & your BIRTH number has to be in accord . Now how do you do it ? It’s very simple every alphabet carries a mystical vibration and so does your NAME. The Birth number is fixed and cannot be altered thus you can alter your Name by an initial and make it in accord with your BIRTH number and trust me just in days or a few month’s you will see a massive impact / change in your lives in terms of relationship , money & fortune .
You can CLICK HERE to know the values of each alphabet and can take immediate control of your live towards positivity .
Be lucky by choice and not by chance