As per numerology Japan’s name number is derived to “16”
Number 16. is pictured by “ a tower struck by lightning from which a man is falling with a crown on his head’. The shattered Citadel. This number gives warning of some strange fatality awaiting one, also danger of accidents and defeat of one’s plan.
Any Nation with 16 as its name number will rise with its spiritual and some super power but will have a fatal end.
Japan should actually change its name to JAAPAN which will give a very powerful vibration of number 17.
Number 17 is a number of “peace and love” symbolized as 8-pointed star of venus. Highly spiritual number. It is also called ‘the star of the magi’. This number says that anything it represents has overcome the trial and difficulties through his spirit. This is the ‘number of immortality’ and the name ‘lives after him’.