Ho’oponopono is a method of healing that has been developed over centuries in Hawaii. One of the leading practitioners of Ho’oponopono is Dr. Hew Len and his teaching on this ancient tool of spiritual healing is known throughout the world.
Ho’oponopono consists of four different statements that are designed to allow the individual to accept responsibility for their own thoughts, actions and feelings. The four statements are:
• Please Forgive Me
• I Am Sorry
• I Love You
• Thank You
You can use this exercise to deal with anything , any aspect of life that you want to be improved . Example : If you are not getting enough money then somewhere the MONEY energy in your life is distorted. All you have to do is focus on MONEY and do this exercise and you will see a remarkable difference . Higher the focus earlier the results . Its the same with other aspects of life like RELATIONSHIP, JOB etc .
When you carry the Miracle card along with you all day automatically whatever is mentioned in the card starts getting deep into your subconscious thus making a great positive change in your day to day life.
You can apply HO’OPONOPONO even to appease any Planet.
If you know that a particular Planet is not in favorable term or position in your Horoscope then you can carry the respective Planet GRATITUDE card to reduce or even nullify the ill effects of that particular planet . It simply works as you keep seeking forgiveness and expressing gratitude towards that planet in your subconscious through this card thus propitiating that particular planet to give favorable results.
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